All adult leaders registered with the troop are required to complete the following courses:

In order for the troop to meet some of its "Journey to Excellence" goals, all adult leaders must complete the "position specific" training for the position that they hold (Scoutmaster, Committee Member, etc.) Information about these courses is also listed in two places:

  • On the Alamo Area Council Training site.

  • This "What Makes a Trained Unit Leader" chart provides a good summary of most training.

    • The "All Unit Adults" section of the chart has optional courses to receive adult certifications.

      • The troop is required to have at least one trained adult in the courses marked with a blue asterisk on every outing.

Note: A few of the courses require a MyScouting account. Also, whenever you are taking a training course, have your membership number available so that you get credit for the training in the Council's records, which is another important part of the troop's "Journey to Excellence" goals.

General information and links to other training opportunities for adult volunteers in BSA can be found on the Adult Training site. Some of the other available courses for adults include:

  • Health and Safety Training

  • Chartered Organization Representative Training

  • Wood Badge

  • Power Horn

  • The Trainers Edge

  • Philmont Training Center

If you have questions, please contact Troop 911's adult training coordinator.